Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Return of the Mouse

Two days ago, I opened our silverware drawer. What do I see but tiny pieces of mouse poop all over our silverware. After disinfecting each piece of silverware and checking all the other drawers, I hoped that I wouldn't see any of it ever again. I came home today, opened the drawer to cook get a fork for my sweet potato, and I saw it. Poop. He's back. I inspected the surrounding area. Poop on the floors. He's back. And I have two extra mouse traps. Gross. Gross. Gross. I hate (strong word choice? YES) his poop. And I dislike him. Very much.


LindC said...

that is unfortunate. did you stick the trap IN the drawer? and remove the silverware?? :(

Lauren said...

That is the plan of action.

Mdj said...

why would someone poop on your silverware? that's just wrong.