Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last one to sleep

This is officially a first. It is 2:07am. No one has been awake for the past 45 minutes. Yet my eyes have been glued to this screen finishing my research paper. The amount of time it took to complete this paper was ridiculous. But it's done. Whew. I do feel tired. But I also feel like God is able to really answer prayers because I prayed to finish tonight. I didn't drink one sip of coffee.

Tonight, our household experienced a lot of laughter. If you haven't been around girls very much, you might get confused by this story. However, if you have been around girls, you also might be confused by this story. I arrived home at 10:30 tonight. All the girls were home (plus jd). This rarely occurs except for when we are asleep in our beds. Anyhow. I got home to find Stacey telling me about her chicken standing up. Rachel shoved her computer in my face to show me how she "elfed" us. Joanna giggled... Brielle canceled out all the noise with her headphones. I deboned chicken to relieve the stress of writing a paper. Seriously, for over an hour, we laughed about the weirdest things. Chicken, mouse poop, headstands, etc. And not just a feminine giggle, but heartfelt laughter that erupted throughout the house. We were all on the ground because we couldn't stand up and laugh this hard. Anyhow. It was a good night. Followed by 2 hours of silence in my pink tinted room. I'm very aware of mouse sounds outside my door. Sleep is calling my name. And I will answer. Good night readers.

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