Friday, December 18, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The changing of the Seasons

(it's pretty close to home, though, if i say so myself)

Today, Rachel asked me why my desktop was still leaves and told me that I should change it to a snowy scene. Can I just say that I LOVED that idea?! So, Rachel and I sat down and did a google image search for different snowy scenes. Did you know that you can adjust the image search to be only large images!? Rachel taught me that today!

We started out looking for cabins. I told Rachel that I needed a cabin in snowy mountains with candles in the windows. She laughed at me. When I saw a Thomas Kinkade picture, I gasped with delighted rapture, and Rachel almost vomited on the computer, since she hates Thomas Kinkade so much. I don't understand her. Who WOULDN'T want one of those cute little cozy houses, nestled in the snow, full of cute children to comfort and candles in each and every window?

Anyways, here are some of the things we searched for:

All of this season-changing just makes me think about how glorious the future is. Rachel suggested that I get a wintery road, so that I could stay with the theme of traveling through the different seasons of life. We couldn't find a wintery road, but I all of these thoughts about seasons and the future have just made me so fluttery inside. I LOVE seasons.

Instead, after I gave up, Rachel found this PERFECT one for me. She said that, even though it didn't have a road, it was OK because it still reflected something about my future: An athletic man waiting for me in the Swiss Alps. Rachel is so perceptive. How did she know that I have always wanted that? Oh, and she is so funny, too. Have I mentioned before how beautiful she is? She is just breathtaking.... the definition of natural beauty, especially when she's wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, like she's been wearing all week. Just gorgeous.

But I'm getting carried away!

Now I have to go to a meeting and then go to the gym and then eat an apple and a few vegetables (and MAYBE even a piece of delicious LEMON cake!!) and then I have to study after I go to a prayer meeting with James and Rachel's caregroup. Their caregroup is the best.

I can't believe it's the last week of school already! Goodbye for now!

Monday, December 14, 2009


... to bookstores near you: Lauren Whitney Crosby's 375 page autobiography entitled "How to win friends and influence people: the secret of my successful existence"

*within the next 17 years

Sunday, December 13, 2009

mixed vegetables.

exam week + hungry for dinner = microwaved vegetables

it's stud time

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I just am so excited that I had to blog about this. Joanna and Brielle have had enough of my excitement and no one else is home. I just bought a ticket to Wales!!!!!! I will officially be leaving for the entire summer. So excited. So excited. So excited.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Breakfast with Rachy

This morning, Rachel and I began a wonderful tradition. Breakfast at a diner. See the above photos.

The name of the diner will remain nameless for protective reasons.

We considered how our friends don't ever eat out because of money reasons. I include myself in this group. But breakfast is the perfect meal to eat out. Portions are usually large and its relatively cheap. And it's my favorite meal of the day. The best part about going out to eat is that there aren't any distractions. You can talk face to face with your date (Rachel in this case...) without feeling like you could be doing something else at the house. We had a delightful meal and laughed and cried (not really). We watched an old man say very unusual words very loudly. I hope to do this with Rach even when we are old, married, and living in different places.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

lauren singing celine dion at the top of her lungs....

so. i was sitting there listening to lauren singing along to celine (after posting the last post) and i got this message from joanna from the other side of the room:

AND... the result was the BEST VIDEO EVER:

joanna and i were struggling to not burst out laughing...

p.s. just WATCH laur's face when i start singing really obnoxiously. it is soooo good.

"YOU GUYS!....

... I can't even enjoy Celine when you guys are doing that!
I WILL go listen to her in my room!"
-lauren love

Sunday, December 6, 2009

we <3 lauren

here are our CHRISTMAS PRESENTS from lauuuuren!!!!!!!

each of us pretty much flipped out when we found them laid out on our beds. we all put them on IMMEDIATELY.

it makes me so happy that everyone will now know that i love ethiopia. :)

here is our message to lauren:
brielle: i looooooooooooooooooove you!
joanna: lauren, your face makes my heart beat quickly!
me: lauren, you truly will make adorable t-shirts for your countless little ones!


lauren says:"make sure you insert the fact our back room smelt so much like spraypaint that i almost fainted!!!"
brielle:"but lauren, why do our readers need to know that?"
rachel: "if only lauren asked that question EVERY time she made a blog post.... " [[ juuust kidding, laur... juuust kidding ]]

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last one to sleep

This is officially a first. It is 2:07am. No one has been awake for the past 45 minutes. Yet my eyes have been glued to this screen finishing my research paper. The amount of time it took to complete this paper was ridiculous. But it's done. Whew. I do feel tired. But I also feel like God is able to really answer prayers because I prayed to finish tonight. I didn't drink one sip of coffee.

Tonight, our household experienced a lot of laughter. If you haven't been around girls very much, you might get confused by this story. However, if you have been around girls, you also might be confused by this story. I arrived home at 10:30 tonight. All the girls were home (plus jd). This rarely occurs except for when we are asleep in our beds. Anyhow. I got home to find Stacey telling me about her chicken standing up. Rachel shoved her computer in my face to show me how she "elfed" us. Joanna giggled... Brielle canceled out all the noise with her headphones. I deboned chicken to relieve the stress of writing a paper. Seriously, for over an hour, we laughed about the weirdest things. Chicken, mouse poop, headstands, etc. And not just a feminine giggle, but heartfelt laughter that erupted throughout the house. We were all on the ground because we couldn't stand up and laugh this hard. Anyhow. It was a good night. Followed by 2 hours of silence in my pink tinted room. I'm very aware of mouse sounds outside my door. Sleep is calling my name. And I will answer. Good night readers.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

The Return of the Mouse

Two days ago, I opened our silverware drawer. What do I see but tiny pieces of mouse poop all over our silverware. After disinfecting each piece of silverware and checking all the other drawers, I hoped that I wouldn't see any of it ever again. I came home today, opened the drawer to cook get a fork for my sweet potato, and I saw it. Poop. He's back. I inspected the surrounding area. Poop on the floors. He's back. And I have two extra mouse traps. Gross. Gross. Gross. I hate (strong word choice? YES) his poop. And I dislike him. Very much.