Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Breakfast with Rachy

This morning, Rachel and I began a wonderful tradition. Breakfast at a diner. See the above photos.

The name of the diner will remain nameless for protective reasons.

We considered how our friends don't ever eat out because of money reasons. I include myself in this group. But breakfast is the perfect meal to eat out. Portions are usually large and its relatively cheap. And it's my favorite meal of the day. The best part about going out to eat is that there aren't any distractions. You can talk face to face with your date (Rachel in this case...) without feeling like you could be doing something else at the house. We had a delightful meal and laughed and cried (not really). We watched an old man say very unusual words very loudly. I hope to do this with Rach even when we are old, married, and living in different places.

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