Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what's that again, stacey?

woena;sv;alsdnf asldkj fa;sldkf jaosid slkdfj asoin vwkej fs uuh huh laskjdofnas; dfoas lkj ;lskf i alksdf and... OH MY. you don't say.... aowenov;;lhag oaisdj;f ksd fjoain belk soib kle w . well i'll be... aosd;in;boinea ;dgajd ll kdfj aodk klsd foiyoiuw e,asdf asdfjoiwen,bcvnwerui a. d wekj alsd ... well isn't that so interesting... asoasn ;fakls9ibntoigng sd akweoibne akb ewoiwlknb wemsnd;oibnbelksmnag;kjd asadl;lkadoibn lkasd oians sdj onasldkjf oiasn g.oh and that, too. tell me more of your secrets....

stacey says i blog too much. and that i'm gonna start blogging every conversation i have with her. and not tell her about it. that i'll just be typing away while she's pouring out her life.



Connie Z. said...

hahaha. well tell her that all sorts of people that she barely know, like Connie J., get your blog via RSS feed (google reader of course) and so while we catch up on what's going on with rachel, we basically stalk her too! :)

rachel r said...

i'm sure that will be reassuring.
thanks connie.