Tuesday, October 7, 2008

UMD CRIME ALERT: attempted manslaughter.

first it was just stacey. every time she went in the back room he would be waiting for her. she described him as 1 1/2 inches tall, clothed in dark brown, and with a sinister disposition and a squeaky voice.

i aprehended him in the kitchen, trying to steal our food, and placed him in a tupperware on the floor. i left him for dead. little did i know that kate was secretly in league with this tiny fiend. she kicked over the tupperware and pretended it was an accident. ha. i can see beyond her facaide.

the following scene unfolded: stacey squealing on top of a chair, expecting the little guy to jump up and get her. mary was scouring the area. i was in my room. i had washed my hands of the situation.

finally somone caught him in the tupperware again, and he was placed behind guitars, so as to not be "tripped over" again.

suspect has therefore been aprehended but, after interrogation from the honorary reverend megorden, he repented and was freed on the front porch. whoever knew a criminal camel cricket could mend his ways?

1 comment:

LindC said...

THIS was so great. I LOVE the way you write these. ***SMILES***