Monday, October 4, 2010


It is time for us to once again start collecting charitable donations for the "Stanford House Heating Fund." Please consider what the Lord might be calling you to give up today, this week, or this month, in order to keep us warm and healthy. The testimonials below, from some of last year's generous givers, provides a flavor as to what can be expected in the donation process.

I gave up my daily pumpkin spice latte. It was a no brainer when I really thought about it. Why drink pumpkin spice latte when there are beautiful girls suffering from the cold?
[Anonymous Donor]

For me the decision making words were definitely "future" and "investment." I remember hearing about the need, and just being so sure that I wanted to act on behalf of this cause. Youth like the Stanford House girls will be pillars of our society in years to come. I can think of no better fund in which to place one's dollars and plan to give to it annually.
[Gertrude Foxter - 5 time donor]

All donations are tax deductible.
We hope you will consider investing your finances in this worthy cause.
Please contact us with donations and any further inquiries.

The Management

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