Friday, September 26, 2008

9/11 : second family dinner

i was so excited to cook dinner for all the girls.
i went out, bought lots of groceries, and made the BEST taco salad.

and then no one showed up.
me and kate were sitting there, and mary and stace were MIA.

so i called up james and asked him if he wanted dinner.
he turned my mourning into dancing. haha. literally.

then he stayed to do homework before the gathering. ^

then britt k (my love) came over and we showed her the back room. stacey saw that there was a quite random chair there and declared that it was the courtship chair! she explained that that is where the man would have to sit if he was going to be presented in front of the comittee of approval before he could court one of us.

we wanted to take a picture, so james kindly stood in for the awkward and nervious courtier, while the girls looked on sceptically.

hahaha. nice one, james.
good thing you already passed the real test. :)

i've kinda decided that i'm going to adopt james. he came over for another family dinner yesterday. he's offish part of the fam.